Hon Hai to develop trapped ion quantum computers – 台北時報

After a series of breakthroughs, the global tech industry is focusing on quantum computers to drive technological evolution, chairman Young Liu said

Hon Hai Precision Industry Co (鴻海精密) yesterday announced that its research institute would establish a laboratory to develop trapped ion quantum computers, boosting quantum computing technology research and development in Taiwan.

Quantum computing would be an important tool for Hon Hai, also known as Foxconn Technology Group (富士康科技集團), as the company focuses on its Foxconn 3.0 “3 plus 3” transformation initiative, chairman Young Liu (劉揚偉) told the online Next Forum hosted by the Hon Hai Research Institute.

The Foxconn 3.0 “3 plus 3” initiative refers to developing three emerging sectors — electric vehicles, robots and digital healthcare — through the use of artificial intelligence, semiconductors and communications technologies.

Photo courtesy of Hon Hai Research Institute

Since the research institute was established more than a year ago, it has pooled resources from different sectors and invited international academics to serve on its advisory committee, which focuses on new technology development, Liu said.

Following a series of breakthroughs in quantum technology in the past few years, the fast processing speed and powerful computing capability of quantum computers has become a focus of the global technology industry, Liu said.

Quantum technology is considered likely to provide computing solutions for the next generation that would drive the technological evolution of artificial intelligence, semiconductors, and the security of information and communications technologies, he said.

Trapped ion systems are one of the most promising for practical quantum computers, Hon Hai has said.

However, as there are still some bottlenecks in the industry, it is important to cultivate professionals in the field of quantum technology and attract international talent by building an environment that promotes and supports research in the area, Liu said.

The Hon Hai Research Institute aims to help the company create value, increase profit margins and stay ahead of market trends by moving away from labor-intensive work and toward brain-intensive work, he said.

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Source: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2021/12/13/2003769498

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